Good luck do your own research any one can make a mistake. Is what I think from what Ive been told and read.
#Springfield 1898 rifle value serial number
1896-99, a barreled action with triggerguard, serial number 17030, receiver marked U.S./1894. The serial number range for Model 1898 Carbines falls within the Model 1898 Rifle range.

An altered model with a shortened barrel and stock, done for hunting purposes, can go for as little as 300-400 while a pristine original can go for as much as 3,000. Values shown here are for unmodified, original rifles. The value of an 1898 Krag can vary dramatically depending on how original the rifle is and the condition of both the metal and wood. Over the years many have been altered or 'customized'. From 1892 to 1899, more than a dozen variations were made. 22 rimfire all Krag rifles were chambered for. Only 5,000 Model 1898 carbines were manufactured by Springfield Armory. With the exception of Model 1898 Practice Rifle, which was chambered for. Please enter a serial number and click the submit button. Model 1898 Springfield Armory 420166 '' inspector's and proof marks on stock Estimate 500-800 All property Sporterized Krag Bolt Action Rifle and a Sporterized Krag Bolt Action Rifle and a Barreled Action, c. Rifles and Carbines Models 1892 to 1899: Covering numbers: 1 - 484000. I foound some history in the world Encylopedia of rifles and Machine guns an Illustrated guide to 500 firearms by Will Fowler and Patrick Sweeney the book was about 9 1/2 bye 12" red trim hard back good luck page 104 Krag-Jorgensen 1898 carbine springfield their also was a 1898 made 30" barrel the army mostly used black powder at the end of the 19th century the US started using the springfield M-1903 early in the 20th century due to the mecanical limitations of the Krag a inability tobe recharged with stripper clips is what I read? The M1903A4 sniper had a A3-power commerical hunting scope was not as good as the Mauser coounter parts in 42 despite the development of the M1C and M1D Grand sniper variants Springfield remained in service through the Korean War. Springfield Model 1898 Krag rifle markedSpringfield Model 1898 Krag rifle marked ''U.S.

Hello is the end of the gun cut off bye a home job hacksaw or is their a little amount of blueing still on the very end org carbines were 22" barrel lenth from the army the army used them for about 3 years or so then tried to change the sights mine was given a A3 scope bye the army I was told now Im looking for a deasent A3 scope? mine is in exlant 98% or better no wear except a little were the scaber wore some of the blueing off my stock is just like new but org Ive had some of the so called experts try to tell me its been hand cut without even looking at the end of the barrel or it was refinished and I know it wasnt its just like it was when we took the cosmolene off of it in the late 1950s some will not be honest trying to get it for nothing I was later told mine was worth $2800.00 after a expert so called stated it was only worth $300.00 lucky I didnt take his offer.